International procurement is a growing business area, and Sweden is one of the leading contributing countries in this area. 乐博彩票官方app商务负责协调工作,支持对采购感兴趣的乐博彩票官方app公司和组织, financed by multilateral development organisations. Working closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and embassies around the world, we focus especially on emerging markets in Africa, Asia, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.

乐博彩票官方app政府的出口战略非常重视来自国际采购机会的商业机会. To make the most of these opportunities, Business Sweden has created and implemented a dedicated action plan.

Projects for the United Nations and multilateral organisations

Natural disasters and violent conflicts cause suffering all over the world. 目前全球在人道主义援助方面的投资价值数十亿乐博彩票官方app克朗. 使这些解决方案更有效和可持续,可以真正改变全世界许多人的生活.

The UN, 其他组织和政府支持世界各地的倡议,以促进和建设一个更美好的世界. 联合国既应对紧迫的人道主义需求,也积极促进和平与安全, human rights, and economic and social development for a better standard of living, democracy and equality as well as international relations. The UN's assignment is of great importance to sustainable global development.

In addition to several UN organisations, multilateral organisations such as the international development banks, the World Bank and other bilateral donors also support and execute projects. 这些措施主要是为了减轻气候变化和自然灾害的影响. The projects mainly support international organisations, 在气候适应和灾害管理领域的举措中获得资金的国家当局和省份.


Projects for the European Union

欧盟委员会是一个为发展项目和采购提供资金的重要组织. As one of the EU institutions that manages the EU budget, 它主要负责项目融资和协调对新成员国的援助和支持. The Commission offers support in stimulating employment, combating poverty and social exclusion, supporting climate change and sustainable energy supply, and promoting research and education.

The EU provides support to many sectors around the world, from infrastructure, transport, energy and telecommunications to healthcare and security. The funds are distributed through different financing tools. 这包括欧盟对发展中国家的外部援助计划,以及专注于欧盟内部乐博彩票官方app的基金. 这些项目可以为非洲的新道路提供资金,也可以为波兰的环境智慧型解决方案提供支持.

乐博彩票官方app公司有很多机会参与欧盟资助的采购项目, either as an individual company or as part of a consortium. Swedish authorities, 非营利组织和私营公司也可以申请欧盟资助的在乐博彩票官方app的投资. 这意味着欧盟资助的采购项目也适用于尚未走出国门的乐博彩票官方app公司.

How we can help

乐博彩票官方app商业部与不同的联合国机构和多边组织以及布鲁塞尔欧盟委员会的几个部门建立了良好的关系. We help Swedish companies by monitoring relevant and upcoming procurements, 通过分析商业机会和决策过程,并通过确定合适的合作伙伴来组建财团. 我们还为相关机构和会议组织量身定制的活动和代表团.

Contact our experts in our office in The Hague to discuss your opportunities in EU-funded projects.